Thursday, April 1, 2010

My Very Short Foray Into Online Dating

I recently signed up for a popular dating site, more out of boredom than anything else. I have no dreams of meeting my "dream man" online. I was pretty sure that I would see all of these people on there and just think they are all losers. Then it occurred to me that I would also be on the same dating site, so I guess that makes me a loser, too.

Anywho, it took almost an hour to fill out all of the questionnaires and personality profiles and whatnot, only to get to the end and find out that for a 6-month subscription or membership or whatever its called would be $97 per month. To be paid in 1 installment of $582. Are you serious? It costs over $500 to meet someone on the internet?!?! Someone I most likely wouldn't like and not be interested in anyway?!? I think not, Eharmony.


  1. One day I'll have to tell you about all the nutters I met online when I was still single. I am, apparently, a bad judge of character both online and IRL when it comes to men.

  2. Sara, I can only imagine the people. Can't wait to hear some stories.

  3. You're kidding me - I had no idea that's what it cost!
